Katutubo Excel Schools, Inc.

Education for Iraya natives — Mindoro, Philippines

The History of KESI

Laymen Ministries mission work in the Philippines began in 1996 and was later headed up by Jim and Moni Webb. Our objective is to educate and train the poor, underprivileged indigenous “Katatubo” tribes with the main objective to lead them to Jesus Christ, the Three Angel's Messages, and how to be missionaries. As part of this project, every year we send young adults (i.e. student missionaries) to these remote villages to teach the Katatubo children in our remote village schools. We have had young people come from America, South Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and Australia. These villages, which use to be ruled by animist beliefs and laden with disease and filth, have been completely transformed through education and freedom through Christ.

Our mission headquarters in the Philippines also functions as a temporary high-school and administrative building. We have recently acquired a beautiful piece of land overlooking the South China Sea not far from the town of Mamburao where we are currently building our new high school and mission headquarters.

These villages, once overcome with disease, filth and despair through ignorance, have been completely transformed through education and freedom through Christ. This video demonstrates the contrast words cannot explain.

This 75 acre property will allow for more students, an agricultural program, mission training, as well as a secluded and healthier environment for the students. Laymen Ministries has a full-time prison ministry working in one of the 62,000 acre prison facility and farm. Two full-time lay-workers train and encourage inmates to reach inmates for Christ. This is an extremely successful program.

Our Schools in Pictures

Jim Webb