God’s Mercy

Who would ever forget the mercy of the Lord when we are connected to Him? God is merciful and He never fails to show it fairly!

Neneng is a Grade I pupil. She had a harelip before, but Laymen Ministries helped her to undergo an operation. Before the month of November ended, Ma’am Mechel, our Kinder teacher, brought up an issue about Neneng – her mother is harsh with her. She’s spanked sometimes and crying is the easiest response of Neneng. She is also forbidden to come to our church to worship on Sabbath. Poor girl! We teachers are trying to weigh everything and determine how to help her. In my human mind, her mother didn’t need our involvement, but, how unfair I would be to compare the fathomless mercy of God.

On the last Friday of November, I saw Neneng’s mother attend a school meeting. When I looked at her I found nothing against her. She looks innocent and kind, though she’s torturing her daughter. Oh, how God showed His mercy. He never allowed me to judge this woman. Days passed by with our normal duties. I apparently forgot Neng’s problem. 

On December 2, I decided to walk through the village to look for a lady I wanted to talk to. During my walk and talk with this lady, I learned that Neneng’s mother was giving birth. I hurriedly ran to their house with my two companions. The moon lit our way and we enjoyed the cool breeze of December. When we reached the house, my curiosity was gone as to how the Katutubo (native) give birth. I was really amazed that the mother was sitting on the bamboo floor with plastic on it. The baby was lying on the plastic. Unbelievably, I saw that the newborn baby was still lying in blood and sticky things on his body. The mother and the baby were waiting for someone to cut his umbilical cord. When the father asked me to cut it, I got goose bumps all over my body. How could I do this? “Oh, no!” I politely refused. We had to wait for a person for 30 minutes to cut the cord. When the person came, she had nothing to use for the cutting. The father just instantly made a bamboo stick. When the mother knew that it was not sharp, she got the machete and sharpened it! I couldn’t believe it! They did it that way! 

When the woman was about to cut the cord, she had to tie it first, but she refused to do it! Oh no! Time was running! The baby was cold already and started crying. In the midst of this, I felt like doing everything, but I was held by my fear. I was praying though, but I had to control my nerves while waiting for the next move to happen. The mother tied the cord with sewing thread which she found somewhere. Then, the cord was cut at last! How easily the woman cut it! I told myself that when I am asked next time, I would love to do it! But, my story doesn’t end this way.

After cutting the cord, I learned they wanted charcoal to put on the newly cut navel. I couldn’t help myself and was compelled to run! I had to run to the mission house as fast as I could to get the charcoal. If I didn’t offer the charcoal, the father would just pound some charcoal from the fire at that time. I couldn’t believe it! When I was near the mission house, I almost fell down, but God helped me to keep my balance. Then, I got the charcoal and went back to the house. Right after I gave the charcoal, the baby was bathed, but only wrapped with a cloth. I was suspicious that it was a skirt of the mother. When I asked if they had anything to put on the baby, the answer was, “nothing.” 

Again I had to run to the mission house to get some of my son’s baby things. I ran back and forth that night trying to help these people. When I came back home, all of the missionaries were asleep. It was already 12 o’clock midnight. Just after I lay down my tired body, it came rushing to my mind how merciful our God is; how He showed His exceeding mercy to the mother of Neneng. God used me to see that God’s help is always on time and present. I left the family with prayer. The last sound that I heard from them was, “Ma’am, thank-you that you were with us tonight.” I was happy and teary though because God taught me how merciful and fair He is. His mercy is for all people! I am reminded that I am here for these people to teach real love and mercy. My heart was glad that God won with me that night and not my old nature, considering that Neneng’s mother is cruel to her. I know that God is always the One in charge and has a perfect time for everything and for change.

Thank-you, Lord, for the growing process! Oh, how I praise You for I am learning a lot from the experiences and wisdom you give; thank-you for Your merciful heart.

Written by Analynn Altamirano
Missionary Teacher in the remote village of Pinagbayanan

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